středa 27. ledna 2010

We live in a small village on the borders of Czech republilc and Germany, it's a quiet place to live in and ideal to have a pottery studio. With the National park starting just a short walk from our house we really can't complain. It wasn't always like this, though.
My husband Josef grew up in Moravia a totally different part of our country, he lived in Brno a few years, there at the age of 25 he got the opportunity to work in a pottery studio where he learned what the job is all about. The clay got hold of him and never let go ever since. As time went on he moved to Prague where he tried to run a larger buisness along with a few friends and oppened a gallery shop in the centre of Prague inside Charles bridge. That was between the years 2001 - 2004. If you've visited Prague at that time it may well be that you visited it or maybe even bought a souvenir there. The floods that came in 2002 ruined his buisness and that's when he decided to move on and found himself where he is now. This is where I -Petra- in :-) I met my husband during my university studies in Prague. I quit university and moved in with my husband. I started helping him with his work and turned into an apprentice :)

At that time we had some difficulties because the shops that used to buy our wares were going thru a crisis and we started to explore new ways of selling our work. We found a Czech server that specializes in hand made products a filled out the registration form. That was two years ago. Today selling online is the main way customers can get our pottery, in summer we go to a few pottery festivals with our stall and we have the occasional shop owner that comes and buys a few pieces but the internet is our main interest. It's contadictory that here on the internet we can spend more time with our customers on a more personal level than we could ever imagine in real life. The feedback of people that like our stuff gives us energy to produce new and interesting designs.
We are very happy and excited about starting our Etsy shop. It's a totally new and open space for us. The funny thing is that at a certain time in our pottery producing career we used to sell most of our wares to tourists. Perhaps you may have the feeling you've seen this pottery before. Look around, maybe your friend, relative or your boss have it at home :-)

Visit our Etsy shop at

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